ok life is soooo irritating without money !!
want to go out tmr but cant due to the fact that i am pennyless .
just bought a shirt today kinda cool !! like it alot .it is a two piece shirt and cost me 25 bucks ? worth it though ..it is a long time scince i went out with my mum who dresses all the time ! her fashion sense is TEN times better than mine and she goes on a budget but her clothes are really nice !!
Today i was wrongly accused by this lady thinking that i am working in the office ???
hello!! i am only 15 years old !! do i look that old ? come on ..not to the extend that a taxi driver thought that i was studying in university !!!!!UNIVERSITY ???? men ... maybe is my height !!
just kidding ..still as short as ever ! my dance frenz are like so much taller than me by a thousand times! ok not to the extend but like 173 cm and more ... ***** i want to grow taller !! than i dont have to be( insulted)*** by my bff ! she doesnt la but she talk to me looking at me down wards !! gosh i hate being short ! ..
hahahah bugis a boring place to kinda be in .. went with tashi to watch enchanted !! it was really funny like : OHHHH OHHHHH I WAS DREAMING FOR A TRUE LOVE KISS ......
bla bla bla TRUE LOVE KISS ... it was reallyfunny and lame and the movie was like a musical kinda show . tha singing was really nice to hear and the main character was relly pretty and the chip monk was soooo cute ! the handsome prince loves to admire himself all the time thinking that nobody could live without him ! :) ha ha ha ha TRUE LOVE KISS ...theshow had all the disney stories all in a remix ! wanna laugh go and watch it la ! worth watching . there is a part juat like king kong climbing up that tower you know that long sharp thing at the end ! it rock and i am starting to sing the songs with tashi the whole time !!! :OHHH OHHHH I AM DREAMING FOR A TRUE LOVE KISS A TRUE LOVE KISS ....
i shall stop here for my jap sreies water boys 2 !! really cool and funny go watch it if you can !! bye :)