today ! we have japanese students from fukoka who came to our school for a vsit . there were like 77 of them all together . the choir performed and we were a littlt out of tune ..and fast and slow .... ok it was a little screwed but we werent that bad . :) after that i went petroling and it was really fun especially rina's group , she was bullied by the jap guys in her group ! it was indeed funny ! we had the school tour and activities planned for them .the sc's were good ! trying their best to communicate to them . i met a few girls who were really sweet and nice and we had one thing in common ! (WE LOVE JUN AND OGURI !!) yeah .
oh and during recess , there was a basket ball match and soccer SINGAPORE VS JAPAN ! it was really funny . all the ccss students started running and playing with them ! and sorry i dont know the score :( soon it was our lunch , and we all gathered in the canteen and of course the jap students have to take first and not us ! oh and mr loke called me to sit at his table to introduced myself to the japanese teacher . i just intro myself and i was left speechless ! and after that i excuse myself from the table and i am able to eat ! haha sooooooo i went to the table and my good friends were like saying i belong to the core periphery and they belong to the periphery and stuff (GEO) what the hell ... after our lunch we had a few minutes of bonding time ..and photography time .. soo we decided to take some photos !! Guess what !! RINA AND CARINNA BULLIED ME !!! they pulled me to her group boys and said that i wanted to took a photo kinda thing .. i am like the only girl there ..... so they pushed me to the empty seat and i sat there not knowing what i was suppose to do . SUDDENLY the guy beside me put his hand over me and pose ... so i followed the flow and smile ! every one was looking at me ... ahhhhh sooooo embaressing !!! look to me as if i was flirting and stuff WELL IT AINT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS !!! so yeah the photo was taken !! yup soo me and carinna started moving around taking photos with them !! we had a fun time !! as hyper as ever so it was really fun and we enjoyed it !

we sc's went a little mad and started taking last minute photo with the jap p and teachers ..it was really funny ! guess what! we even took photo with our own p and vp . hahaha oh not forgetting mr tan !! as the students went up the bus , we all stand in a long lined and bow, saying thank you in jap for two times cause of two bus ! everyone was really happy and i believe that we enjoyed ourself very much !!

i decided to take a group photo with the sc's !! haha it was really funny !!! the timer and stuff .all of us squessed .. from my camera , they look like ants ! tons and tons of ants ! they laughed when i said that !! anyway they deserve a good compliment !! cause the jap teachers and p plus our p and vp praised us that we did a really good job and they were proud of us ! soooo THREE CHEERS FOR ALL OF YOU !!! ( not being bossy )

taking with rina's group me and that jap person ..(nothing between us)