what party can do without some drinks ! but not till you are dead drunk !!! like some people !!! hello its ...... hahahaha omg the party was fun and the drinks werent to bad either !! like chang beer ,vodka and wine !!! i drank all but not so much of it till i get drunk ! hahaha its kinda nice though and next all of us were helping the drunken !!! but it was really funny with all their nonsense !!! its stupid !!!! omg they asking wrong quections and saying things that should be kept a secret !!! its !! omg or like hell !! they cant even walk at all ......... well i shan't say so much before i get killed and stuff ! its ....... embressing .. ok maybe one or two !!!
- j.... went to ask amelia if she needs a drink and i was sitting just next to her and she said yeas!!! but the funny thing was !! he asked back what size she wanted !! the big or the small ?? so she replyed small !! and he ran and i called him back cause i wanted a drink so he ran to me !!!!! and he asked with his face so close to mine !!! and i was like leaning back !! and said green tea and he gave a smile !! and ran to get it !!! hahahahaa me and amelia laugh like nuts !!!
and another one was
-f..... i was holding him cause he couldnt even walk properly and he kept falling like ..... haha ok
so we went to the play ground and he kept kicking the grass as if they were some ..... ok back to the story !! yup suddenly he ask me if i wanna go to his house so i played along and said yes ! than he suddenly stop moving and said wait you cant go in cause my dog will bite you !! i was like what the ..... haha i was laughing quietly and than he told me to call his maid to give him coke !!!!! ok that was retarded !! so we crawled into the mini house in the playground and than he said :what the hell are we in here ! let me bring you around my neighbourhood !! so we went out and stuff !! haha
those jokers are really funny !! lots of things happen which shuldnt !! but everyone knows that they were drunk so you are forgivable !! ahahaha
omg it was realy funny !!! but at the same time ,some of us were kinda pist off . but apologise were made and everthing is fine now .
pics are coming up !! cards with amelia and i cant upload it !! sorry :( but it will be up soon k :)