yo guys i am back !!! hahaha
finally i am using the computer due to the up coming concert .....
feeling pretty stress on chero and i dont know what to do ... it seems like the girls
dont want to listen to me and hell yeah i feel pretty stressed about it ...
costumes and chero and i dont know ..... my own item ????? haha ballet ..
ahhh my music how am i going t find my music ?? ahhhh must scream .
ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh
ok today me and shi ya went to bugis to search for my up coming costume and the
umbrella which i manage to find :) YUPEEEEEEEEE hahah i feel happy for that
:):):):):):)oh and i hate city hall when you have to squeeze and stuff ...... today
me and shi ya miss our train and this aint our first time and in the train we were like
SOLID PARTICLES !!!!! cant move and yeah than we became LIQUID PARTICLES
that can move randomly .......after that we became GAS PARTICLES !!!! ... totally being
able to run round the MRT !! hahaha so ....... if you wanna remember your science yeah
this might help hahahah :) :):):):):):):)
and yeah miss dancing hip hop and ballet
so i will work on that and yeah i shall end here so....
bye pips :)
love ya