i cut my hair people !!!!!! its like bangs ... hahaha i think i look retarded in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and my cousin made fun of my hair !!!! he called me CHINA DOLL !! and said that i look like those china girl that sing chinese new year song !!!!!!!!!!!!! evil !!!!!!! futher more he was like you come from bei jing one right !! when you came to singapore ???? i was like i migrate over one !!!! ...............than he doesnt called me li zhong anymore but CHINA GIRL !!!!!!!!!
everyone who saw me in bangs was like !!!!!!!! zhong !!! what did you do to yourself .. i was like . ehhh i kinda want to change my hair style ,... hahahaa my dance friends were like ...ok ...... haha and yeah its juat for a change !!!
wooo and the pic were when i went to k box with my cozz :)
yeah ... :) one day before x mas :)
enjoy :)
dont laugh at my hair style k !!!!!