HAHHAH supprise to see me back online ??? of course !!!!!!!!!!!!! hahha its time when i bring back my blog back to life !!!!!! wellll i am going to change my blog skin and everything with a help of a goody GOODY friend Q!!!!!!!!! but that is later on !!! ( thanks babe)
FINALLY WATCHED TRANSFORMERS !!!!!!! yes !!!! its one hell of a show and you should totally catch it !! with its amazing features and sound system !!!!! there is no way you can sleep !!!! you will be gripping on the seats wanting to find out more !!!!! oh and i adore the twins robot very much although i have no idea what they are called. two new characters :)
haha and the dogs ..... which were very anti climax !!!!! they were running for their lives and there they stood with the CHIWAWA ON TOP AND THE BULL DOG ( if i am not wrong ) BELOW !!! so you should know wha they are doing !!!! IF MY CLASSMATES DONT GET IT !!!!! YOU GUYS ARE NOOBS !!!! which of course they will know ..... unless................
MEGAN FOX A TRANSEXUAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damm SHE/HE is hot !!! thats for sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cousin told me HE/SHE CONFESS sooooo.... yup you guys must be super shock !!! jaws dropped right !!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha that was what happen to me !!! super hot and sexy yet she use to be a guy ????
woooo and hanisah hahahahha got knock by a bicycle !!!! super funny la !!!!! that man is blind i think she is like right infront of him and yet he still dont want to stop !!! in the end .. hitting hanisah !!! ok .... it was damm funny !!!! i started laughing instead of helping....... hahaha you must see how the bicycle man hit her .....making hanisah scream and grabbing hold of his bike !!!!!!!!! omg thinking of it makes me wanna laugh !!!!
THE MASTER MIND !!!!!=WILLSONTHE COURSE OF SWINE = ZHONG!!!!! and the infected= shi ya wilson haeyon hahahahaha SWINE FOR LIFE !!!!!! but of course ...... i wont stop there... i will spread more !!!! our class click sall get it hahahaha