ok i performed in school today which was LAME !! i hasd to reach there at 7 15 am !! guess what time i woke up like 7 05 !!! i was sooo shock la!! i think is the medicine i had yeaterday that makes one drowsy .. lucky my kind beloved mum fetch me there and i was like safe !!! yes .
the school had only like 3 classes !! how lame can that be !! 1 express 2 normal .
now iam sooo afraid of my N level exam .. is like freaking me out ! 4 sub under 15 points which means your sub can only reach 3 points which is not safe cause like what happens if you kinda fail !!! you wll die kinda thing . ok it sucks sooo much !! anyway ..life isboring for me the pass few days and like i amssoo lazy to do my art which i hate !!! and ya ya hates it tooo !!! who loves art ?? ok maybe a few like AZRI and my bro ! weird ppl