IGNORE THE SPAMMING !! DONT CARE ! CAUSE I KNOW ITS NEVER ME AND I BELIEVE MY FRIENDS KNOW ME INSIDE OUT TO REALISE THAT IT IS JUST A SPAMMER....I AIN'T LOOKING BACK !! AND ONLY LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE TAKING ONE STEP AT A TIME !! yesterday , my life was at the very end .. is like i am about to fall into a water full of sharks that is going to have me as lunch anytime ! well i told myself i ain't going to dwell on it and to take one step at a time ! i wont look back and take the next day as a brand new day .i don't wanna cause myself anymore trouble and i will sure do what is right ! i ain't going to fall cause i will pull myself back up again . no matter how hard things become ,i will never put my head down and say that i give up ! i will handle it professionally and believe that i can handle any tough route ahead of me cause i know my friends got my back ! thanks to my best friends that i made it through !!! so i decided to write something down just for you !! TASHI , NSY AND HANISAH :) + friends that help me pull through ! you help me when i am down you help me when i cry you save my world thousands of time and i'm glad to have you there . so many days you see the world wern't there for me troubles came and go you stood up for me i could never understand why does this have to happen to me
but i know for sure
that you'll be there for me
you help me when i fall
you help me when i cry
you cheer me on and on
to see that smile come by
you crack a joke for me
to hear my laugh again
i'm so lucky to have you friends with me
your one of a kind
troubles came and go
my soul just went to flow
never coming back
afraid to face the fact
but you were there for me
to keep me here intact
for the times we spent together
were never ending favours
i want to shout out loud
for you to hear my call
to thank you for those times
you were here and all
to keep me on the ground
never falling down
to hold me tight
and say
i got your back girl
we are here to protect
so i guess thats it
for me to say
i do have wounderful friends
that i will always say
you keep me standing
never falling
and i do love you
so thanks
for what you gave
cause i got your back ! :)
from yours truly : ashley :)
ok done with all the talking emo thing
i had fun in school today looking at two crazy girls going insane infront of me who are TANIA and RINA ! they were turning retard and i dont know why but the made me laugh and yeah ... it was seriously funny cause they werent speaking english but like chickmonk language !!!!
waited for mr loke to end his meeting so that we could get our annual awards day rehersal done and we sitted there in the hall for an hour or so . in the end , i fall asleep with my friends in the hall lying on our bags . luckily i did not snoor or sleep talk ! soon mr loke came and the coir gathered round and started singing ... it was horibble !!! we blank out together and suddenly it was soo quiet in the hall . the dance as there so was the band and it was so embrassing that i felt that i can just faint or to hide my face somewhere . i couldnt look up and me and my friends saw mr loke shaking his head and was utterly disappointed with us ! especially our choir teacher her face was as black as a charcol . i tell you all this was freaking me out. anyway i got to go so i will update another time :)