okok now blogging at my coz hse and hell yeah she showed me this freaking no life girl !!!..... and yeah i sooo wanna kill her !!! i thnk those ppl will kill her ... hahahahaha weird la ... omg if you see her freaking blog you will die like on the spot from shockness !! who on earth will do that pls la ...she is 18 and still ties like TWO PONY TAILS!!!!!hello .. omg shesucks to the extreme max !!!!!!! her boyfriend will die of TWO PONYTAILNESS yah men .... ahhh and her horrible colour combination ... pls who wheres purple and red la like ... some fruit .. hmmm what fruit has that colour .... ahhhhh omg .... ok aint blogging about her anymore ..
so went bowling and K today with my coz and her family ... it was really fun .. but i was super shy when i had to sing .. i was like ok ...... hahahah and we sang till like 2 am in the morning and did all sorts of stupid things together ... apparently i think i wont sleep at her house cause we will do stuff and yeah .. its a long time that i bung at her hse .. woosh shoik man ..:)
hmmm i think i will stop here and i shall blog another day about another thing and hahaha hope i can wake up tmr ... cause school is like on fraeking tuesday man ... and i lost the time table ....
and now my coz wanna blog so yeah :)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I love jay. have ya'll bought his new album? Seriously, it's so good. :D My cousin, your friend, she, can sing but refuses to open her golden mouth. But zomg she cannot bowl. HAHAHAHAHAH! No you can't, don't argue with me. Your balls roll everywhere (i know it sounds damn wrong but what do you call bowling BALLS then? BOING BOING?) everywhere but admist the everywhere she managed to strike a couple of times, thanks to my awesome teaching, duh. I told her my room's out of bounds but she just ran in anyways, tell me what kinda lady is she huh. Sheesh. She claims to be a "very nice lady" haha ya right my arse :D So tonight, she's gonna sleep on the floor, ya know like korean people who can sleep comfortably with just a pillow and the floor. But the only difference is, i'm not giving her a pillow. She claims it's DAMN SAD, but i don't see what's so sad-dening bout it. Anyways, i'd love to stay but with her literally breathing down my elegant neck and her constant loud remarks at every single thing i type, it's quite hard to do so. AND HELLO JIE! I KNOW YOU WILL READ THIS HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HIIIIIIIIIIII!! PAINT NAILS FOR ME AGAIN SOON OKAY! YAY! :D
Yay MRS CHOU signing off here.:Dhahaha she is my lovable retarded cousin .. wooooo
apparently you must trust what i say and not her right !!! hahahaha
at least i strike a few times for bowling .... ya . idont play them everyday so yeah ... unless i am a pro which i am soooooooooooooooo not one .... gagaggagagaga
yup i shall end off here .. :)
bye pips