ZOMG !!!!!!!!! i hate my com ... i cannot upload the pics of my trip !!!! ZOMG seriously this com seems to be dying on me . evertime i use it it just lags !!! HELLO COMPUTER !!!! i own you so please work like now properly !!!!ahhhh i feel like killing the com .. ahhahahaha :) the trip was pretty fun .. but i spent most of my time entertaning myself at the arcade !!! hahah and spent like hmmmmm a sum of money playing TIME CRISIS 4 oops like that is retarded right .and yeah i tried sneaking in to the OASIS which is the casino but failed to do so .... stupid guard keep staring at me as if i am like mas selamat or something ... but never mind
2 more years :) hahah and yeah tel you something funny :) when i was queeing up to check in hahaha something retarded happen .... there was like a little boy infront of me and he talks pretty loud so i suppose that everyone around him could hear him .... he was like boy: dad is the cruise safe a not ??? dad : ya its safe !!boy: oh than whoose laugage is that ??? : mas selamat ah ??? dad: no la !!! boy : pa i think not safe leh .... : later ah if we all go on the cruise than if one bomb drop wah than the whole cruise explode like bao zha la !!! wahhhhhhh than we all die los !!! very fast leh !!!! his dad wanted to kill him lalalalala i was laughing to myself !!! we have not board the ship than come say later bomb we all die ... diao ... hahaha every one was like .... hello waht are you talking about !!!!! like staring at everyone .....hahaha zomg it was super funny and my garnd father did something funny too!! i was like walking and someone left their laguage there it was in my way so i took it and drag it to my side and thn my granfather who was behinde me took it into the check point i was GONG NA GE BU SHI WO DE !!! he was like huh ???!!!! opps so funnny and i started laughing like an idiot !!!! i was like ZOMG !!!!
yeah i think i will stop posting for now and go get my com fix :) so yeah see ya soon