wooo ... been going out a lot with my family .....
today i went taka with my cousins and it was really fun !! we spent an hour in sephora woundering what to buy ? finally i bought a lip stick :) which looks like a lip gloss because its really shiny !! just what i wanted !!! and yeah it was really fun :)
OUT WITH COUSIN'S BOYFRIEND .COUSIN AND HER FOR DINNER .......after that ... i had dinner with my cousin and her boyfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was like huh???? me ,you and jeff ?????? sure not .. so extra leh ..... i was thinking at the back of my head ! hahahhaah i mean ....yeah ...in the end ... me and my cousin (hui min) walked to his office which is located at orchard to find him to have dinner !!
walked to his car and blah blah ...... oh and going out with them was already mah lu in some way ...... jeff's cousin came !!! when i saw them i was like !! WHATTTTTT his cousin came ???!!!!!
serious ok i feel even more weird !!!! super extra !!!! i was huh i am soooooo under age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeff was nice .. we went to east coast to have dinner some where near my house so he can fetch me home :) .. oh we had jap food in the restraunt called waraku ( i think it's spelled like that ) and yeah it was fun cause they were joking around ... wooooo they did something funny but bad too !!!!
there was this china people in the car reversing back to their empty car park lot ... but than jeff and his cousin took their lot ...like drive head in !!! hahahaha damm funny when they said it !!! and they were asking them to go back to their country !!!! no offence people !!! it's all part of being funny hahahahaha
ohhhh and jeff was also saying like the first time he saw my bro was like 8 or 10 years old .. and how tall he shoot up you know .. and i replyed: got sooo long meh ???
than hui min jie gave me that retarded look ... i replyed again : got so long meh ???
jeff replyed : actually i have been with your cousin for 7 years !!!
i was like huh ????? in my mind i was like serious ah !!!!
than you should imagine hui min jie face .. hahahhaaha she was like noooooooooooo
ohh and jeffs cousin said i look like 18 years old ....... :(
got so old ah hahaha
BRO BEING RETARDED!!!!and my bro is being retarded .... my dad was scolding while watching soccer and my dad say ahhhh ask them go fly kite !!! than my bro was like ?? huh why wanna fly kite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wth !!!!!! hahah retarded lor pls !! ohhh and today is boxing day and my dad told me i was like yeah today is boxing day ... my bro replyed huh ??? who boxing each other ... i was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;0