ahhh its been ages since i blogged and my friends are complaining... hahah
well, its been a fun week with my cousins celebrating her 21'st birthday at the ballroom and chalet ! it was sure hell of a fun with her fun and enthuestic mummy ;0 who organised games and punishments for us ..... :( hahah . we started laughing like mad !!!! all the nonense started !!! and everyone became high !!! it was sure fun !! the bursting of balloons, loud laughters, smacking of tables and legs !!!! dropping down onto the floor and laugh our lungs out because we asked our grandmother to suck in heilum and when she open her mouth !!!! omg !!! she sound like i dont know a chip mOnk !!!!! a CHIP MONK !! gosh sure that was fun :)
this was suppose to be posted on 19 sep thanks com !!
screwed up my chem paper today !!! my mind went totally blank for no reason !! sooo if i fail and miss nur scolds me .....serve me right !!!! physics was way easier than chem for me ! i dont know i.. maybe i was toooo exhausted . which i really was !! when studying the night before i already knew nothing was kinda going in . yeah brain is too exhausted. never pushed myself so hard before that i can feel my brain asking for rest time . i kind of ignored that little voice talking in my head telling to me to rest soooo yeah :)
cant wait for my aunty wedding at fullerton hotel next year january!!! wooo its going to be fun and me and my other aunt has decided to loose weight !! ! she stays near me and i decided to go to her hse gym and swana !!! fun fun fun ! but all after my o levels !!!!
following that another wedding !!! cousin getting married !!! in june/ july ?
but yeah cant wait!!! make up . do stylling of hair and everthing :) this is sooooo fun !!!