Went foe sleepover at tashi's house yesterday!!! played guitar hero!! drumming was crazy ... i played the drums till my fingers went all red !! its been a while since i played guitar hero ! love it :) we also watched movie :) till 2.30 in the morning and than went to sleep. the room was freaking cold !!!! i was shivering early in the morning !!!! i woke up from sleep cause it was simply cold but kind of got used to it after a while !!!! its still cold though.
went to plaza sing to catch GOKUSEN THE MOVIE !!!!!!!!
AWSOMEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhh thinking of it makes me high !!!! all the Johnny and johnny junior boys !! awsome !!! talented !!! the show was good !:) showing how friends should act when any of them are in trouble !! stand up for one another. no matter how hard the situation is .. true friends will always get your back !!!! no matter what !!! although the boys in the shows are meant to be rookies but they are nice kind loving friends deep down !:)
watching the show makes me think of the times i had in school when all of us were there for each other :) when we fought, quarrelled, throw tantrums, and talked about one another .. awww aches in the heart that we are now far apart :( thats what facebook is for right ? keeping us all together :)
ohhhhh and how can i forget !!!! gokusen had the cast of GOKUSEN 1,2 AND 3 !!! coooool right !!
saw everyone :) hahahahahaha like koike tepei , hey say jump, absolute boyfriend main actor( the robot) and beloved OGURI SHUN !!!!!!! ahhhhh sooooo handsome !!!!!
when he had that surprise scene for 2 minutes at the last scene ......... guess what ??!!
the whole entire cinema went !!! OMGGGGG !!!!! OGURI SHUN !!!!!!! like together hahahaha super funny :) of course everyone knows him ! he is sooo famous !!!!! even me and tashi was !!!! omg !!! SHUN OGURI !!!!????????
his body is sooo hot !!! ain't skinny anymore !!!!! he's 180 ++ cm and has a well build body toooo :) well build muscle !! awww shuai !!!! oh and the absolute boyfriend guy was good tooo :) maintained his body and good looks :) yeah !!! not forgetting kame !! well done !! 1st movie :):) hahaha applause for you :)
if you aint the type that like jap movie ..... well you should give it a shot ! its funny tooooo :) we all laughed pretty much most of the time :) funny and cute ! their actions are retarded but funny :):)
well lets stop talking about the movie :) lets say tashi was crazy !!!! hahahah she and her matchmaking .... really tash !!! you are weird and mad !!!! what a crazy friend hahah :) doing stupid things ... and than she had her funny tummy ache :) always having problems before her overseas trip ! hahah get well soon ... you are like going to japan !!!!!! TMR !!!! so good luck with that tummy ! hahaha . no two ways yeah !!! i swear that was super funny la !! 2 ways !! how on earth did you manage to even accomplished that ???? hahah :)
alright shall stop blogging here :) sayonara !!! :)