OK i am so into writing songs now .. i don't know why but yeah !! so this is one song i am writing . its about love and guys cheating on a girl ! i watch a movie and suddenly the lyrics came into my mind . so hope you people reading it will like it ...it may suck so don't laugh yeah !! here goes
this is my life
full of ups and down
a million tough ts came by
but i don't know how
to solve,
until you came by ....
you made me smile
you made me laugh
you made me wanna hold you tight
you cheer me on
you push me on
and a kiss that touch my heart
i gave you all my heart
but you didn't gave it back
you tricked it ,
you fooled it ,
you made it cry all day,
i gave you all my heart
but nothing came back ...
i believe that i was blind
from the start
from the time you hold my hand ..
i was so blind
by the love you gave
i look through the window
to see couples holding hands
and i ...
felt ...
lonely somehow
but i know .. that i was
blinded by your love ...
i gave you all my heart ...
but you didn't gave back,
you tricked it ,
you fooled it ,
you made it cry all day ,
i gave you all my heart ,
hoping you will say
i want you
i love you
and you'll be mine
for the rest of the days ..
i ...
gave you all my heart ,
but you didn't gave back ,
you tricked it ,
you fooled it,
you made it cry all day ,
i gave you all my heart
but nothing came back
i believe...
that i was blind
from the start ...
from the start you hold my hand ....
so pips what do you guys think ...
weird huh ..
hahah i really dont know why i post it .. it is not that good cause it was my second time writing it and the frist was for my friends which is posted at the previous post ! so hope you guys kinda like it
anyway ..life is improving .. of course .. i totally had a fun time in school and i learnt a piano song which i tried playing it but i suck at it ! i couldn't cordenate it and i was making a fool out of myself .. my friends shouted to me at the hall saying i should dance instead of playing cause it was giving them a headache ..:( but who cares i wanna play .. and of cause i was like the troublemaker forcing my friend to teach me ! thanks anyway hanisah :) oh and my friend matthew played a song which was really beautiful ! i tell you it just simply makes you fall in love with it and you will fell the relaxing music flow through your blood stream and the only think you can think of at that time was just only the song hoping that it will never end !! woosh i love it !
i cant wait to go to school again to ask them to play it ! well thats what happened today nothing much really . wooo yeah i almost forgot the games we played in the hall where everyone were running like monkeys that did had not eaten for like a week !!! i had a great laugh with my friends and yeah it was a great experience so yeah i wanna spent more times withmy class mates girls of course !! we can totally be insane and not get crtisise by the boys ..( no offence )
so we shall plan for a girlsnight out cause its a must during the march holidays !! it will be soo cool and fun with midnight shooping , student price movies tickets and all the talking and photo taking .. weeeeeeeee i cant wait ! girls night out is a must ! well i will ask all of them out on the march and i had taken them sooo no one else should !! hehehehe PEACE !:)
thats all for today .. and i cant wait to watch princess hours yupee !!! ok i know i am slow sooo...yeah ! i will post soon :)