alright had found a suitable job thanks to matt :):)
found this site that has all the Korean and jap shows !!! futher more its in hd so its totally awesome
. not only that they have Taiwan hongkong yup :) all the drama series that you wanna watch is all in there even the latest ones too :):):) after knowing this website i have been sleeping late all night ..... because i love watching all the drama series!!!!!!!
woo and yesterday i watched absolute boyfriend special episode !!!!! i thought i wouldn't cry .. but i least expected that the last 3 minutes of the ending was super touching that i couldn't help controlling myself that i burst out crying !!!! now i know when you love someone sooo much and want to give them the best happiness in life, you are willing to give yourself up in exchange for her being happy . knowing that there is no chance that you will ever ever see her again in your entire life ! and could only watch her from above !! the tears you cry from heaven that eventually rained on them would be tears of happiness ! and thats love :)
man ... the show really touch my heart i mean . he's a robot and he did sooo much for her . ahhh you got to watch to understand ! and if you want to watched it, watch the entire series not just that special episode if not you would have no idea what is going on and you wont be as touch as how i felt watching the show . yup
currently i am watching a jap drama called mr brain. its really cool to see how the special police force use nuetro..... ( cant remember the word) to solve crime .... totally cool :) hahahaha
oh and if you wanna see if someone is lying, its natural that their eyes will look to the right or they will look to the right. learnt that from the show !!! so next time we can check if anyone is lying .. hahahaha yup and many more tricks to know how human react and you can kind of learn from that ! :)
yup shall blog till here :)
oh oh and the web. hahhah almost forgot !
yup i think thats the web hahaha if wrong can ask me i will send the site to you :)