one lovely 6/9 family :)

jaf and dunstun

me and xin hwa

drunken jaf, .... hahaha

dinner :):)
its been 4 years since i have met all of them and everyone grew up looking mature and pretty :)
wow i still cant believe that we were still able to talk with one another after so long !!!!! today's lovely outing was planned by emily :) thanks babe ! i totally had a wonderful time with everyone and thanks for bringing us into the _ _ _ ..:) one great experience for me :) but than i promise myself that i wont go in again cause i dont wanna get caught and cause trouble :)
hahaha timid huh!! but yeah :) of course everyone was high and dunstun( came back from Sweden and is corrupted ! hahahaha ) ....... the first one to ask us if we wanted a bottle !!!!! totally !!!! hahaha if you are in there it would be nice to order a bottle ! hahaha so we shared in the end a bottle of A_ _ _ _ _ _ _... played games and almost everyone took shots . but yeah a total hell of a time !!!!!
as usual .... the boys got drunk !!!its always them !!! hahaha jaf zel not being able to walk ........ jian hao who's face is totally red !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahha like an apple !!!! dunstun the one who hops around .... hahaha and i wonder if he ever made it to sentosa really !!!!
i mean after he took the train he sms us 10 min later and said that he has reach sentosa .... i think he is on some grass patch or sand and he thinks that he is in sentosa !!! what a joke really ...
thanks yuan jian and jian hao for sending me and emily home :)
5!! 10 !!! 15!!! i suck in that game ..... keep losing and i had to drink ... i have to practice more !:)
hahaha :) i sure had a hell of a fun time with all of them !!! cant wait for our next outing which would be a chalet !!!! oh yeah :) or a sleep over at jian hao house which he offered ... in the karaoke room .. hahaha :O omg it will totally be wild and mad !!!! and this time we will have more people !!!!!!! and those who did not attend today can attend the next trip !!!! :) alright !!!! like yue long, nigel, yan zhi and many more :) woooo cant wait :)
alright i shall stop blogging here and continue watching my drama :)
sayonara !!!! :)