ok life is soooo irritating without money !!
want to go out tmr but cant due to the fact that i am pennyless .
just bought a shirt today kinda cool !! like it alot .it is a two piece shirt and cost me 25 bucks ? worth it though ..it is a long time scince i went out with my mum who dresses all the time ! her fashion sense is TEN times better than mine and she goes on a budget but her clothes are really nice !!
Today i was wrongly accused by this lady thinking that i am working in the office ???
hello!! i am only 15 years old !! do i look that old ? come on ..not to the extend that a taxi driver thought that i was studying in university !!!!!UNIVERSITY ???? men ... maybe is my height !!
just kidding ..still as short as ever ! my dance frenz are like so much taller than me by a thousand times! ok not to the extend but like 173 cm and more ... ***** i want to grow taller !! than i dont have to be( insulted)*** by my bff ! she doesnt la but she talk to me looking at me down wards !! gosh i hate being short ! ..
hahahah bugis a boring place to kinda be in .. went with tashi to watch enchanted !! it was really funny like : OHHHH OHHHHH I WAS DREAMING FOR A TRUE LOVE KISS ......
bla bla bla TRUE LOVE KISS ... it was reallyfunny and lame and the movie was like a musical kinda show . tha singing was really nice to hear and the main character was relly pretty and the chip monk was soooo cute ! the handsome prince loves to admire himself all the time thinking that nobody could live without him ! :) ha ha ha ha TRUE LOVE KISS ...theshow had all the disney stories all in a remix ! wanna laugh go and watch it la ! worth watching . there is a part juat like king kong climbing up that tower you know that long sharp thing at the end ! it rock and i am starting to sing the songs with tashi the whole time !!! :OHHH OHHHH I AM DREAMING FOR A TRUE LOVE KISS A TRUE LOVE KISS ....
i shall stop here for my jap sreies water boys 2 !! really cool and funny go watch it if you can !! bye :)


tell me what is like without friends ???
thanks for being there for me !!
it has never been tears when you are around !!! \
thanks a million ! i owe you one ! :)

yo readers .. i am back from a break not wanting to be online and lazy to on the com !hahah the pass days were so so .. today my dance teacher grandmother passed away . i feel sorry for her , but she is really old so i believe that it is best to let her go :( that means that i have to relief class for her . i know i should . theee that is one way to help her ..
total hot gossips in dance ( like the hottest of the hottest !!!) is like woosh girls like to gossip when you have your buddies with you going crazy and things start to go really wild and stuff !!! big time ! i mean yeah :) holidays rocks big time , getting to spend time with everyone you know ! wooooo i love it !
me and tashi were like laughing for more than an hour watchng pranks !! :) it was really funny and i started to cry like a little tears coming out and stuff .go watch just for laughs on the net ! you will really flop to the ground . and soon banging on the tables and wacking your friends ..
wooo miss the time i had in japan with my airi and cathrine .in the girls school going crazy and .....the cute hot jap boys ..now listening to celien dion song i'm alive .its rather classic with the rocky beat ! i love it old song seems to be kinda nicer than the songs i here like britney givemme ...hahahah celien is ten time better .. she is sooo old now !! i am feeling really board now ..hmmm feel likegoing jooging now ! i have started on a slimming healthy thing that i am going to jog every day to slim down .. i have my jogging partner lum poo hahahaha she is a crazy fun fellow that makes you go nuts ..and the black chocolate char siew pao ! woosh celien songs are really nice ..
finally i will add photos of frenz and muas having a great time !!!
shi ya can see photos
she has been waiting for a long time hahahaha