ok i performed in school today which was LAME !! i hasd to reach there at 7 15 am !! guess what time i woke up like 7 05 !!! i was sooo shock la!! i think is the medicine i had yeaterday that makes one drowsy .. lucky my kind beloved mum fetch me there and i was like safe !!! yes .
the school had only like 3 classes !! how lame can that be !! 1 express 2 normal .
now iam sooo afraid of my N level exam .. is like freaking me out ! 4 sub under 15 points which means your sub can only reach 3 points which is not safe cause like what happens if you kinda fail !!! you wll die kinda thing . ok it sucks sooo much !! anyway ..life isboring for me the pass few days and like i amssoo lazy to do my art which i hate !!! and ya ya hates it tooo !!! who loves art ?? ok maybe a few like AZRI and my bro ! weird ppl
ok today i went to school for choir .... and praticly saw all my teachers and first thing that went up into my mind was : have i done my homework ?? apparently NOPE !! working is in progress !
MR TAY will be my english teacher ...MR TAN my physics teacher .........MR GOH my chem teacher ....and not sure of the rest of the subjects yet but i have thisfeeling that most of my teachers are male !!! ok at least i will be scared of them and than i will study better !!! N LEVEL next year and the O LEVEL the following .. but i know got to push myself hard to do well so that i can make my parents proud !! ok i better work hard for at least 6 point !! yeah that is what my tuttion teacher ones from me !!! hahahaha i will try to give in my best in what i do nest year . it is like another PSLE but held for two years kinda thing and it will be more stress and stuff cause i will be taking OXFARD instead of CAMBRIDGE for O level but N is cambridge !!
i am sooo happy that i dont have to go for choir tmr because there aint choir !! YEAHHHH i am soo happy !! i can finally sleep realy late and stuff .. hhahaha finally watching KINDAICHI !! i always wanted to watch it !! a dective kinda show but the music knida creeps me out yeah ! whats morei am watching alone and stuff !! nvm i shall pray if i am scared !!
i manage t do my art today !!! i started painting and drawing and finally manage to get tashi to help me print out pictures !! i am really lucky !! woosh ! :) art ! why art ! i m sooo not a art student and yet i am doing it !!like the last minute ! :( everyones does that ok not for the hardworking ones .. i am lazy hahahahhah :0 lazy yeah ! hey but at least i am doing it now !!
i will get killed if my parents know about this hahahah !! they know about my art ! i relactently told them .kinda got a scolding though PEACE MEN :)
ok stickam rocks like big time !! the ppl there are really funny i am telling you like big time funny !! :) like will ( gay ) and the irritating EVIL GUY ! DAVID and there is also lke nick and ......lucas with his choc and stuff ..hahaha thanks to my cousin i am soo like into it now .. and ya haha asking my friends to join tooo .. but you can like only talk at night cause its like morning or afternoon there !!! thee... :) PEACE and will and heather and someone else is getting married real soon ! i am being invited to go .. oh i saw the cuttest boy ever his name is ....i dont know cant remember !! he is 6 yrs old and he is soooooooooo cute he is italian and he counts numbers like 12345678910 and than 20 !!! hahhahaah he is really cute and like super smart he burba all the time when i was online and for like 5 min and more he rocks ! he is soooo cute ! well wil is sending him over soon by postage hahahahaha :) gotta get him i think by new years day !
any way school is starting soon and it is sooo tipical of me to do my last minute homework ok hahaha going to pp later to get my school shoes which i need it !! how can i go to school without them ??/ wooo yeah i watch NATIONAL TREASURE yeaterday ..it was pretty good i like the adventerous kinda thing .. so yeah now i am waithing to watch AVP ( alien vs predator ) looks kinda intresting !!! ok i think i will go and watch !! yes ok . sain .. i am sooo boared now ! i dont even know what to do now ! once i see art i am like sooo scared la i cant draw .. men why art ??
ahhhhh i am sick and tired of school work gosh ... ok nvm i shall ren ....
ok got to go now .. i wll BRB :0
ok .. my couz intro me to stickam and i am a total noobie in it is like wth ! .. so lost in it and stuff .. i mean . ha ? anyway !! MERRY XMAS TO ALL MY BELOVED FAMILY AND FRENZ !! love ya muaks :) you guys rocks !! ahhh sian ! school is like coming soon and my work is not done !! just watch the janice dickenson model agency special ... hahaha she is like .... you should go wach her !!! she scolds every 3 seconds ! and her models are HOT !!! she went caroling in like briefs and bras with her models and stuff !! she is such a insane person .. i think iwill go nuts if she is related to me .. omg what could possibly happen .. is like hell i think ~! totally slacking now .. not sure what else better to do !! is like 3 am and i am still doing nothing ... boared .. what should i write ?? oh !! i became santa knocking my parents door living the present by the door !! hope the like it !! my fthe just irritated me ! he just kick me !! ( ANGRY ).. went to the pub with his friends ... now as drunk a ever ... the .. so tipical him .. keep drinking and drinking .. i wanna go to orchird tmr to catch a movie or someting .. avp !! and national treasure so into movies now .. hahaha cant possibly get time to move faster so i can catch a movie .. hahha now my dad is like asking me to sleep early and stuff .... got to go it is like 4 .26 am .. see ya bb
i love my cousin !!!! she told me to dedicate to her !!! crazy !!!Nope I'm not crazy.
She loves me duh.Who doesn't know oh puh-lease.
I'm her number one couzin.
Her fav of all favs.LOL!
And she's currently in my room tormenting me.I've a paper tmr and another the following day but she JUST WONT LEAVE ME ALONE.Oh how horrible this girl is.
Seriously.But she's muh cousin and i love her cuz she loves me.MUAH<3Okay back to studying.
Bye bye bye bye bye.
would you belive me or her ?? ME LA !!! THEEEE hahahaha u know is better yun ho woosh !! she cheers me up !!! now i am a little happy
sad ... my granfather left me 5 hours ago ....:( i will really miss him !!! having a bad headache now after all the crying ans stuff ... now preparing for the funeral and ....... went to my cousins place while my parents are at the hospital . it hurts to see them crying and stuff , they were all crying really badly and i cried too !!! my head really hurts sooo yeah ...wont be able to go for dance lessons the next few days .. :( maybe i should to let go of that pain that he has left me already !! life is cruel at times taking someone you love .. why ...never mind i shall accept that !! my cousin now ...... is making me nuts !!! she just went to talk to some ppl ...crazy !!!HELLO AH ZHONG'S COUSIN HERE TO SAY YOWDY PEOPLE.
LMAO.I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME WE ARE HAPPY FAMILY.insane rite she .......hahahah she is like that saying dbsk is hers ..no is only 1 guy.YEAH ONLY ONE CAN.
:Dsiao la :YUN HO ( U-KNOW) is also cute from dbsk my cousin just hug and cover my eyes crazy los !!! hahahaha still thinking of my grandpa ... miss him ...
yeee !!! tmr i will be going to malaysia with my family !! and the funiest thing of all is that i am going there 1 day earlier than shi ya !! hope i can meet her there !! it will be soo fun to meet her there !:) hahahaha PORK IS having a fever now ..i wounder if she will go for dance today ?? balleboo !!! sian .. the whole day is raining and it sucks having it to rain but the weather is shiok !! so windy and cooling at my area !! like genting highlands but sooo not it hahahaha .while writing this blog ,i am waiting foe my show to be uploaded and stuff ..soo slowww ..eww why soo slow !??? i can sleep while waiting los :0 LOL sian nothing to do t home and i totally cant be bothered to do my art at all ..is like ewwww i dislike art a lot . it pisses me off when i have to do like 5 prap work kinda thing hahah good luck to me than ...
ahhhhhh i am soooooo HAPPY that i won the scholarship !!! ahhhhh i cant believe it that i actually won ...hope that i can go to Perth to go for competition and that will be sooo cool and fun for me and i can experience the exciting feeling of being there taking part in a dance competition!!! i was shock to hear my name been called out that i actually won ..:) but it is not confirm that i am going yet ..i now have the scholarship in Singapore to attend the workshop for free and i am pretty excited about it next year ..well i really really wish that i can go to perth next year if it is been decide and confirmed :0 PEACE :) ahhhh year 07 my first dance award (kinda )yeee and that kitty and steff and tashi are making me excited about it .. hahaha excited weeeee ... feeling high now that was yesterday ..i will always remember that day !!! :) today's teaching dance lessons was really pathetic !! the first class was ok but the second was madness !!!! there was only 5 ppl that attended out of 15 !!! (crazy ) more than half the class went on long holiday to the US and London .. they all have houses there !! ( rich ppl )their mom told me . hahaha anyway i sneak into a nc 16 show with tash with no difficulty at all is like buying a normal ticket and entering the theatre .. it was that easy ..the show hit man was really nice and interesting ..so handsome the guy .. hahah lika a model NAME 46 or 56 .ha ha ha ha ha totally had a fun tine with her going crazy in swensen and the hotel toilet was the funniest of all la !! you wanna know go figure out yourself !! it was really funny la ... a 60 year old woman could do it yet i cant !!! :( it was sooo embarrassing ..
nananan shi ya hanisah i never say it was you ah ...i have lots of bff one k ... hahaha say me ..ya ya took my whole chunk of words on to a blog ... to say i insult her ? hahahahahahahahahah :) PEACE men !! today i went with my family to west coast and had lots of fun and stuff we did the spider web that was 2 story high and made it up there .. did thid rope cost that made us laugh till we drop on the floor .. i called it 911 ! we hade to walk across a few long lossen huge rope ! it may seem really easy but it really test your balance and concentration ..lots of ppl did not made it .i made new friends there and we tried to complete it ! the most surprising one was that my brother was the first to finish it ! we were all surprise .tha french or german kids there who i made frenz with were really friendly and fun to be with :-) next time got chance i would really wanna bring my friends and do the so called obstcles course it is challenging and fun .!!! worth a try ! :) now posting while waiting for my series to load ..k got to go bb see ya !