it seems a long time ever since i blog :( .. yuppeeeee its holiday and i love it but the teachers in schools just flood my time with homework and hell yeah i hate it !! i will going to bangkok for a few days and yeah !! its shopping time i will shop till i drop !!
I JUST LOST MY VOICE !ahhh i lost my voice and it got worse !! i now sound like a boy who just broke his voice and ewwwww its soo gross !!! seriously how are my friends going to react when thay hear it !!! i will be soo embaressed in dance classes !! omg i will freak out and like i will totally answer the same quections ..hahahahah i lost it because i went to my school campfire and me and my friends were the song cheer leaders !! it was really funny and we were really high and it rock !!! i will wanna do it next year though !! my voice ahhhhh its worsen everyday because i TALK TO MUCH
well i cant live without talking i mean i love to talk to friends and yeah if not life is seriously boring !!!! thecampfire was fun i slwpt in a a air condition room !! while the rest ... in bunks .. hahahahaha to bad your my junior the ... hahaha a big thanks to wei jian who is kind enough to lend me , rina and carinna his shampoo and bodywash !! thanks !!! a million ... you are soo kind !!! oh and we slept at 1 am and went to school the next morning !! woke up at 6 10 am and was tired .. doze of during chinese class lesson and like hell yeah my teacher woke me up !! i was soo embaressed and everyone in class was like head prefect ah .. why sleeping .. ??? i dont mean to sleep but i was really tired and my bff shi ya wassleeping all the way for like almost the whole period !!! and men .. its making me wana sleep !!!
well i will end here and blog tmr if not i will be late for dance classes !!
see ya ppl soon :)