what a boring day today .... i was slacking like mad at home not knowing what to do ... damm life is boring !!!!!!! ahhh i shall find ways to entertain myself !! see you people soon :)
like my new song ???
hahh its by news !!!!! taiyou no namida !!!!
woosh love it ! jap songs are so addicting ... and now i am talking to my retarded friend who calls me gong gong !!! TANIA !!!!!now she's asking me to play some ghost game !!and i think i will freak out like really freak out .... its giving me goose bumbs now !!!!! and i have to escape this freaking ghost hotel !!!! wah lao tonight don need sleep liao los !!!
damm !!!!! what kind of game is this .... since i have nohing to do than i shall be brave and just give it a shot !!!!! god bless me !!! hope i can sleep ... damm it looks scary la !!! shit !!!! the music just gave me a shock !!!! lucky my bro here and my heart not so weak .. if not ....... ahhhh
i am freaking out leh if you wanna play go to
www.hotel626.comthats if you dare la ... must keep running and running .... hahaha run run run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and now she is introducing me all the zombie ghost game .......
ok its freaking scary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its damm shocking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh
i am going to die ... i almost going to have a heart attack !! its like you are in a dark room and than you only have a cam in your hand to look around !!! and than you will see ghost popping out !!!! zomg !!! i got heart attack !!!!!
wooo ... been going out a lot with my family .....
today i went taka with my cousins and it was really fun !! we spent an hour in sephora woundering what to buy ? finally i bought a lip stick :) which looks like a lip gloss because its really shiny !! just what i wanted !!! and yeah it was really fun :)
OUT WITH COUSIN'S BOYFRIEND .COUSIN AND HER FOR DINNER .......after that ... i had dinner with my cousin and her boyfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was like huh???? me ,you and jeff ?????? sure not .. so extra leh ..... i was thinking at the back of my head ! hahahhaah i mean ....yeah ...in the end ... me and my cousin (hui min) walked to his office which is located at orchard to find him to have dinner !!
walked to his car and blah blah ...... oh and going out with them was already mah lu in some way ...... jeff's cousin came !!! when i saw them i was like !! WHATTTTTT his cousin came ???!!!!!
serious ok i feel even more weird !!!! super extra !!!! i was huh i am soooooo under age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeff was nice .. we went to east coast to have dinner some where near my house so he can fetch me home :) .. oh we had jap food in the restraunt called waraku ( i think it's spelled like that ) and yeah it was fun cause they were joking around ... wooooo they did something funny but bad too !!!!
there was this china people in the car reversing back to their empty car park lot ... but than jeff and his cousin took their lot ...like drive head in !!! hahahaha damm funny when they said it !!! and they were asking them to go back to their country !!!! no offence people !!! it's all part of being funny hahahahaha
ohhhh and jeff was also saying like the first time he saw my bro was like 8 or 10 years old .. and how tall he shoot up you know .. and i replyed: got sooo long meh ???
than hui min jie gave me that retarded look ... i replyed again : got so long meh ???
jeff replyed : actually i have been with your cousin for 7 years !!!
i was like huh ????? in my mind i was like serious ah !!!!
than you should imagine hui min jie face .. hahahhaaha she was like noooooooooooo
ohh and jeffs cousin said i look like 18 years old ....... :(
got so old ah hahaha
BRO BEING RETARDED!!!!and my bro is being retarded .... my dad was scolding while watching soccer and my dad say ahhhh ask them go fly kite !!! than my bro was like ?? huh why wanna fly kite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wth !!!!!! hahah retarded lor pls !! ohhh and today is boxing day and my dad told me i was like yeah today is boxing day ... my bro replyed huh ??? who boxing each other ... i was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;0
i cut my hair people !!!!!! its like bangs ... hahaha i think i look retarded in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and my cousin made fun of my hair !!!! he called me CHINA DOLL !! and said that i look like those china girl that sing chinese new year song !!!!!!!!!!!!! evil !!!!!!! futher more he was like you come from bei jing one right !! when you came to singapore ???? i was like i migrate over one !!!! ...............than he doesnt called me li zhong anymore but CHINA GIRL !!!!!!!!!
everyone who saw me in bangs was like !!!!!!!! zhong !!! what did you do to yourself .. i was like . ehhh i kinda want to change my hair style ,... hahahaa my dance friends were like ...ok ...... haha and yeah its juat for a change !!!
wooo and the pic were when i went to k box with my cozz :)
yeah ... :) one day before x mas :)
enjoy :)
dont laugh at my hair style k !!!!!

heard my new song ?? haha it's from wonder girls :) haha
today i didnt know ahkif ( if i spelled correctly) knew dbsk and wonder girls !!!! haha
we started singing this song and dancing ... in the end , the whole cast went crazy over the song and started singing !!! [i want nobody nobody but you ... ] it was really weird!!!
at first it was only me and ahkif singing the song in the bus in the morning ..and than slowly everyone started singing ..... we even started dancing and singing ...the chrous has that clap thing and we were like clapping and dancing !!! can you bid it ! like everyone started singing and hell yeah all of us had the song in our phones now !!! wooo love it hahaha
I GOT PROMOTED !!!! YUPEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am so going to study very hard for o levels and get into a school of my choice !!
yeah i got 8 points... not that good !! but i am happy that i got promoted !!! yupeeeeee :)
oh and should i cu my hair ??? like bangs ?? for my frinch i feel like having a change of hairstyle
you know just a change of look .. i mean i kind of got sick of my hair style ... i dont know ??? sooo should i ? i don know ...any idea ??? need answers :)
woo and today in filming ... hahha clare !!! baby !!! i cant believe you did that !! dude ! you just love kissing huh .. hahha from top till down !! you know what i mean !! clare if you are reading this no offence yeah :) it was really funny in the mrt with the group of us .... saying the love bite and stuff !!!!!!!!!! okokkokok all of us were retarded !!!!!! super noise too !!!

picture time from filming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey pips !!! you guys must watch a video from you tube !!! its called : CHARLIE BIT MY FINGER !! it has 44 million hits and yeah its really cute and adorable !!! you must watch it !!
charlie bit my finger ..... hahhaaha its soooo funny and cute :) kawaii :)
yeah .. tmr i have filming and thank god the place we are meeting is at tampanies ,..... woosh !!yes ahhhh finally one time at the east !!! and it is also at 12 pm .. thank god !!
oh man ... i am really scared .. i have dream of it like tons of times and i got 36 points ???!!!!!!!!!!
weird right !! the max you can get is 15 i mean yeah .. how on earth did i even get 36 !!
stop dreaming zhong ! thats insane !!!
stress man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohoh and this is my pics i found in m concert ! ; ENJOY]

this is my ballet pic

this is my jazz pic :)

ok all this picture where before the concert . sooooo i didnt
change into my costume !! hahaha

me and ian( the tin solider !!!)

me and crazy fun alisha !!!

oh yeah thats the B GIRL !!!!
the concert was really fun !! enjoyed myself a lot !! well i aint in my dance costume .. hahahahahah. not gonna show i retarded i look like in them ! nut yeah i did enjoy myself !! my girls were being retarded at certain times but i still love them !! they did a GREAT SHOW !!
well done girls !!:)
love ya lots !!!
i am tired from filming .... idont know it kills me ...i dont know why but yeah . i think its the long hours !! i suppose red bull might help ??and the camp site was not what i think it was ...
you wouldnt wanna go there !!!! especially girls !! trust me ! you wont !!! wanna think about it !! futher more it was raining sooooo you wont want to see how dirty your shoe might get !
muddy and disgusting ...ewwwww no no sant say about it anymore !!!
alright i shall stop here !!!
blog some other time :)
yo people !!!!! its been ages since i blog ... sorry guys been busy filming and rehersing for dance concert !!! yeah .... filming was fun but there were like NG !!! which was really funny . me and my friends were like risisting not to laugh at all and we have to act shock !!! like yeah !!! wooo and the funny thing was when i was walking i kinda trip .... luckily i didnt fell and i was behind soo it was ok i guess ...... my friend clara tripped and we were laughing at the back .....:) it was really funny . oh and yeah we walk up and down the bus for more than 5 times because the actors got their lines wrong and yeah i had to walk back up to walk down again ... i aint complaining but telling how it was like ! up and down up and down .... hahahaha but still it was a good experience !:) yup :) concerts are tomorrow !!!! soooo freaking nervous !!!!!!!!!! like really nervous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha i hope my students will remember what i say to them !!!
jia you girls :) LOVE YA !!!!!!!! okok shall blog again :)
ok as usual ..... life is really boring when you aint working or you have nothing to do at home ....
i am like zoonking out most of the time but yeah concert is coming and i feel really nervous for my students and stuff . ZOMG pray the lord !!!
ahhhhhhh seriously is there anthing entertaining to do besides watching bitches on MTV .COM and watching tv ,please do tell me ...... ahhhhhhhhh i seriously feel like sleeping now !!
thats how boring my life is today!!!!!!!!!
can you bid it !! i did like an hour and a half hour of stretching at home ... like alivated splits ....
oh man........life aint entertaining ...... hahaha
omg this girl in mtv is like stupid .......
ok thats what i do when i am boared..... watching spoilt kids not knowing how to do simple stuff on mtv.com .....
dude !!!
ok today was kind of a tyring day because i had my dance and rehearsal for film and stuff ...... it was really tyring but its ok . Zomg i have to tell you my weird dream i had . it's base like on my N level results !!!! i cant believe it . ok here it goes ......everyone was sitting in the hall on chairs and a table in front of everyone . you know like exam time . yeah so mdm phoon was like walking round showing people their results and stuff . i can hear people crying and screaming ...... scary right ! anyway mdm phon walk to me and i was oh no its my turn . but the funny thing is that everyone crowd round me !!!!!!!! KPO la ... haaha i mean in my dream la . because there was like a rule that everyone is to sit on their seat and not move ...... ya . never mind ...all the teachers never even scold but walk to me to see my results ... i was like : WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON "so ...mdm phoon was like li zhong , here is the results !!! i was HUH ?????!!!!!!! 36 POINTS ??????????
HELLO ??????????????????? WHERE ON EARTH DO I HAVE OR CAN EVEN GET 36 POINTS ???????????????????????????????seriously what is going on ??? i didn't know if i fail or pass ??? when i ask mdm phoon she was like don't know?? i was like HUH ?? and i had a D for my GEO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zomg like GEO is my strongest subject and i had a D !!!!!!!!! i have no idea what was going on ...... 36 points ...is freaking lot !!! like out of 10 points ............... i's not even possible to even reach 36 points with 3 subjects !!!!! ahhhhhhh what is wrong with this dream and i know when i wanted to talk to all of you in my dream and than this dream disappeared and than i was at this airport with tashi and we were like going to dont know where to help people who suffer from aids ???????? seriously this is really weird and than later i had this call from like my idol saying like he is coming to meet me and i was like huh ???? furthermore he said we were all going together !!! really i have no idea what is going on . than my phone rang and kokie called me a member from my favourite band KAT-TUN and than i started speaking jap ??? !!!!weird and when i wanted to meet them... i was awaken by my mum ........ ah ya ... i wounder what happen when i meet them .... i don't know why i can remember this weird dream but i know that the N level thing hit me really hard !!!! when i open my eyes , everything flow back as if i can see it like on the spot !! you know that kind of stuff ... weird huh ????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!