oh yeah finally my art exams were over !!!! ahh hate it when i have art .... seriously takes up a lot of my time !!!!finally blogging as you know my friends keep complaining to me that my blog dies and come back alive again... hahahah thats what zhong does !!!!!
after getting my results ...well certainly shows how big the gap is from N level to o level.. of course .. i failed my subjects but not all.... but stil....... well F9 finally appeared in my roport card ....which sucks big time !!!!! i soo do not want to see the number 9 there !!!!!!!!!!!!! omg ..... i cant believe that i did so badly. but thanks to it, it gave me a wake up call to study really hard and i am going to give in my best shot !!!! do my parents proud and everything .. yeah ... few more months !!!!!!!!! ok i can do it !!!!!!! yes i can :)hahah suddenly remembered that kieroy tore his shirt again while stretching in class !!!!!!!! hahahahahaha its like his second time ...... omg ... super funny .... and he was standing right in front of amelia ......hahah diao ....
5N1 is sure full of nonsense .. but !!! its the best class that one can ever had !!! the laughter .. i mean ..no class can ever replace 5N1 we have been through so much things together !!!!!!! hahahahah like tables and chairs flying around ....our sec 3 camp ...the burbs abd farts that are done openly in class ..... hahaha really fun having you guys around !:):)
ok got to go ... going to study with hanisah
soo bye bye
shall blog again !!!!! soon ... real soon ... hahah :)
loves loves
hiii people !!!! finally blogging as two friends are pestering me to blog !!!!! who else can it be !!! shi ya and hanisah !!!!!!! all three of us are practically blogging now !!!! and the com is slow !!!! very slow !!!!! guess where i am using the com ?????? hahahahahahahah
and shi ya hammy is super cute !!!!!! apparently ... my t****** has abandoned us ... soooo we are free !!!!!!!!! and yeah hanisah has introduced me a video called BIG BANG PARODY !!!! super funny on how they imitate F4 !!!!! super funny la !!! G-DRAGON IS SUPER CUTE AND CAN TOTALLY DANCE SUPPER WELL !!!!!!
ok my firends are damm nice la !!!! ok los !! you guys like that !!! fine los !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha okok
shall blog another day !!!!!! bye bye
oh yeah ! end school really early today at 9:15 am !!!!of course we had only 1 paper which was physics !! the paper was not that hard it was quite ok actually .. but you know it's scary coming out out from my mouth !! i mean .... my science aint that good sooooo if i manage to do it, well i wont know what the result will be like though .! yeah ... woo no school tmr but am filled with tuition and more tuition .... sad but will keep pushing myself ! who knows that i may do well for o's i mean thats if i work really hard !!! DAMMMMMM I HATE THE NOISE THAT IS COMING OUT FORM ALL CORNERS OF MY ROOM !!!!!! ( how on earth am i going to take my afternoon nap or study or even watch tv ???!!!! ) renovation down stairs up stairs and behind my block !!! car park also ...... omg NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST !! ahhhh its killing me ... for this whole afternoon and the next and the next !!! guess i can only pluck in ear piece to ease my ears !!! what can i do ???ok i shall blog again this afternoon ,.... no i wanna watch naruto !!! no no i shall go watch bleach !!! yup yup ok blogging soon :) stupid blog ... cant update pictures ...
feeling confused now.... having no idea on what to choose ??? oh man ... this sucks ! i have bloody no idea at all!!!! gosh this is driving me nuts !! think i have to ask dad for some ideas . furthermore need to write a essay .... man .... and school work is stressing me !!!!!!!!! pimple out break like crazy !! i feel like chopping something ! maybe i should go to the kitchen and take a knife and chop like an apple or something !!! idiot !!! stressssss .. my maths sucks to the max and i kinda think i will fail it ... ok its common for me but !!!!! its math !! oh no !!! i need a chill pill !! right now !! ahhhhh pigko !! okok no time to blog .. i am going to study now !!!! and make my brains explode with all the knowledge i can squeeze in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooo have to increase my memory space ! think i need to buy a new chip and install in my retarded brain !! who knows i may be smarter ?! alright no more blogging !!
okoko see ya people ! :)
today was a really funny day !!! me and shi ya kept laughing over small matters ..... my tummy is sure to ache !!! one hell of a funny day !!! like one incident when we were in the MRT ....... i was talking to nsy ..than she told me say she saw a ghost behind me ... i started laughing ... i was like 'no ' than she pointed right behind me ! when i saw i was like 'OH MAN ! THERE IS A GHOST !' the lady was standing at the door, didnt move a inch at all with long black straight hair covering her face ! i was... you can say LAUGHING MY GUTS OUT !!! i swear she was really not moving at all !!! nsy and i just could not stop laughing !!! the whole entire trip we were laughing non stop from station to station .. and she kept saying stupid things which made things worse .... omg ..... NSY !!!!!! oh shi ya remember us looking like robbers on the run !!!!!! hahaha super funny !!!!!!! gosh thinking of it makes me wanna laugh !!!!!STUPID CANT UPLOAD PHOTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( nsy go take from facebook )
anyway .... i am having my prelims and yeah English was pretty much alright. today social studies was ok but something just dont feel right. i dont know ... i wrote till my hand almost died ... poor little fingers ! hmmm maths was ..... i can say i did my very best and did all the questions except for 3 .... very good already ok ... first time leh . yup now is left with geo and math paper2 science and poa !!!
I CAN DO IT !!!! IF OBAMA CAN !!!! I CAN !!!! hahaha )alright thats for today !!!!
shall blog another time :) see ya
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASHI WASHI !!!!!!!! may all your wishes come true !! excel in ballet and hip hop yeah :) XOXO :) you are a great dancer so dont you dare stop dancing !!!! yeah besti ?!! hope you love my present which you will because you wanted that !!! and you used it already so yeah !!!! yup. all the best babe :) blogging using her com now at her house as she ABANDONED me as she need to attend her suprise party :) how could you tubten !! you will die when you come back !!! anyway studied for 2 hours at her hse than using her com and cant wait to play guitar hero !!!!! and wii fit and everthing !!!! we are going to play like mad !!! earlier this afternoon i realised i had lost that feeling in playing guitar hero ...... my drumming skills are gone !!! but no worries i will get them back and i aim to to play difficulty level hard tonight ... so i will keep practicing !!! wii fit was really fun as everyone was playing including the adults ! than you see all the funny actions created .... super funny !!!!!! yup and i also cant wait to play kaeoke party !!! there will be full of nonsense later no doubt that i can wake up tmr and still go town with her .... ahhhh i will be dead beat !!! damm .. hahah hahahaha tashi cousins just called me tashi !!!! hahahahah cute !!!!!! okok i shall cam hore with them now ......... ok have a fun time taking photos will upload them later :) hahahahahaha peace shall blog soon .... bye bye wanna play with the kids
me and hanisah went out window shopping in town yeaterday ... haha we told ourselves that we would not spent any money but .... you know temtation calls when there is a sale in the shopping mall !!! we finally bought tank tops :) yellow was really nice and i love it :) oh yeah . wooo manage to buy a birthday present for my beloved besti !!!!! shades was all that you ever wanted !!! oh hahah and the funniest thing was hanisah and i were walking from door to door just to get in into the train at city hall. we said that we wont be kanchiong spiders but when the door opened, we walked past 3 doors hopping that we could find our way in but ... too bad its full so yeah :(
HAHHAH supprise to see me back online ??? of course !!!!!!!!!!!!! hahha its time when i bring back my blog back to life !!!!!! wellll i am going to change my blog skin and everything with a help of a goody GOODY friend Q!!!!!!!!! but that is later on !!! ( thanks babe)
FINALLY WATCHED TRANSFORMERS !!!!!!! yes !!!! its one hell of a show and you should totally catch it !! with its amazing features and sound system !!!!! there is no way you can sleep !!!! you will be gripping on the seats wanting to find out more !!!!! oh and i adore the twins robot very much although i have no idea what they are called. two new characters :)
haha and the dogs ..... which were very anti climax !!!!! they were running for their lives and there they stood with the CHIWAWA ON TOP AND THE BULL DOG ( if i am not wrong ) BELOW !!! so you should know wha they are doing !!!! IF MY CLASSMATES DONT GET IT !!!!! YOU GUYS ARE NOOBS !!!! which of course they will know ..... unless................
MEGAN FOX A TRANSEXUAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damm SHE/HE is hot !!! thats for sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cousin told me HE/SHE CONFESS sooooo.... yup you guys must be super shock !!! jaws dropped right !!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha that was what happen to me !!! super hot and sexy yet she use to be a guy ????
woooo and hanisah hahahahha got knock by a bicycle !!!! super funny la !!!!! that man is blind i think she is like right infront of him and yet he still dont want to stop !!! in the end .. hitting hanisah !!! ok .... it was damm funny !!!! i started laughing instead of helping....... hahaha you must see how the bicycle man hit her .....making hanisah scream and grabbing hold of his bike !!!!!!!!! omg thinking of it makes me wanna laugh !!!!
THE MASTER MIND !!!!!=WILLSONTHE COURSE OF SWINE = ZHONG!!!!! and the infected= shi ya wilson haeyon hahahahaha SWINE FOR LIFE !!!!!! but of course ...... i wont stop there... i will spread more !!!! our class click sall get it hahahaha